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It’s never too late to wish you…

To you who like our congresses because they have started again in person,
To you who come because you know that the congress will be well organized,
To you who never miss a presentation,
To you who forgot your badge in your hotel room,
To you who like to sleep in and only arrive for the morning coffee break,
To you who appreciate the quality of our buffets or take a little dessert again,
To you who go to all the sponsors’ stands looking for the latest news,
To you who fall asleep during the 2pm session after lunch,
To you who know you can always count on our hostesses,
To you who don’t miss a single dinner at our congresses,
To you who dance until the end of the night,
To you who arrive just before the end of the congress to get your badge,
To you who have savored our 2021 events,

Happy New Year and THANK YOU

Thanks to you, we were able to resume the face-to-face events, and this return has allowed us to regain confidence in the future without slackening our efforts to maintain the highest level of satisfaction and security for our customers and our team.

For more than 18 years we have been accompanying you with the same ambition to offer you quality events, and today we share with you our recipe for this new year:

Roll up your sleeves.
Start by peeling 2021.
Remove the bitterness to keep only the heart.

Add a good spoonful of willpower,
a zest of foolishness, a dose of perseverance.
Mix the ideas, stir the projects.
Pour in all the passion and coat with creativity.
Sprinkle a pinch of good humor on top.

Finally, take the time to savor 2022 with its most audacious projects.

We look forward to accompanying you, surprising you
and sharing your success
in this new year.