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Le Rendez-vous des Urgences Cardiovasculaires 2015

We are pleased to organize the first edition of the Cardiovascular Emergencies meeting for the Cardiology department of the Hôpital Nord and the Samu 13, which will take place from April 18th to 19th, 2015 at the « Grand Hôtel Les Lecques », at Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer.

This meeting will rally all the regional actors of emergency settings: cardiologists, emergency physicians and chiefs of service.

The program will be exciting and will touch on the following subjects: pre-hospital, cardiac insufficiency, rhythmology and clinical cases.
The idea is to meet in a convivial place, to share knowledge, to support exchanges and to facilitate daily practice.

We were chosen from other companies for the organization of this first meeting and we applaud this. It bodes very well for many future events!