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Flash people : Daniel Francon

Interview of Dr Daniel Francon from the Paoli-Calmettes Institute in Marseille, who organized on behalf of the network “Onco Paca Ouest” the “5ème journée des actualités de la Douleur” which took place on January 30, 2014 at the Concorde Villa Massalia hotel.

divine [id]: Could you give us the assets of divine [id] agency?
Daniel Francon: Sound listening and analysis of the Organizer’s expectations
Important consultancy throughout the project
Expertise (highly developed signage, harmony between the logo and the subjects addressed during the meeting)
Availability of the team (smile included! even with a taxi drivers’ strike in Marseille and a rainy weather)
Reactivity under unexpected circumstances (delay in the transportation of the speakers for example)
Relevant follow up, evaluation and statistics processing after the congress
Sponsors are taken into account and recognized as valuable partners contributing to the success of the project: they will not be forgotten during the congress.


[id] Why did you choose divine id for the organization of the meeting?
[DF] Because as the old saying states it’s never wise to change a winning team: there was no unexpected event, neither for the Airwaysud meeting (anaesthesia and airways) nor for “5ème journée des actualités de la Douleur”:  it really is a strong agency, just try it, you will adopt it … Join us for the 6th meeting in 2016 «updates in the pain treatment».

[id] What are the most revealing aspects of the success of a meeting?
[DF] First and foremost, the number of participants and  the level of satisfaction gathered
But also the progression of the attendance on a year-to-year basis
And finally, the support received from the industry.

[id] According to you, what is the main role of a congress?
[DF] First of all I would suggest that it enables to keep one’s knowledge up to date
It also gives you the opportunity to address current issues and benefit from the important level brought by bibliographic references from speakers’ presentations
The research and the value of the speakers in their respective fields of expertise are essential as well as the referencing of the congress on learned societies’ websites.
And finally, I would quote the potential media impact.